Payment solutions Provders

Card machines / online payments / epos

Zettle Card Reader: The Best Card Machine for Taxi Drivers


As a taxi driver, having a reliable, efficient and cost effective payment solution is crucial for your business.

The Zettle card reader, offered exclusively for just £19 + vat through Payment Solution Providers, is the perfect choice to streamline your payment process and enhance your earnings. Let’s explore why the Zettle card reader stands out as the best option for taxi drivers.

Convenience and Mobility:

The Zettle card reader offers unmatched convenience for both you and your passengers. With its compact and wireless design, you can easily carry the card reader in your vehicle and accept payments anywhere, whether it’s curbside or during the ride.

Passengers can pay with their debit or credit cards or even use popular mobile wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay, providing them with a hassle-free payment experience. No minimum fees so you won’t be charged if you don’t use it.

Tap & Pay is also an amazing feature for Zettle, if you do not have your reader with you, simply open your app on your phone so your passenger can tap your phone – it turns your phone into the card machine!

Fast Transaction Processing:

In the fast-paced world of taxi services, every second counts. The Zettle card reader ensures lightning-fast transaction processing, allowing you to serve more passengers efficiently.

Say goodbye to long waiting times and hello to increased customer satisfaction. By maximizing your transaction speed, you can take on more rides and boost your earnings.

Security and Reliability:

Protecting your passengers’ sensitive information is a top priority. With the Zettle card reader, you can rest assured that transactions are secure. It employs advanced encryption technology and adheres to industry security standards, safeguarding both your customers and your business.

Exclusive Offer:

Through Payment Solution Providers, you can get a Zettle card reader for an unbeatable price of £19 + VAT, with free next day delivery. This offer is only available through us, as official partners of Zettle.

By choosing this offer, you gain access to a reliable and cost-effective payment solution tailored specifically to your business.

Instant Transfers:

Brand new feature! One of the standout features of the Zettle card reader, available exclusively through Payment Solution Providers, is the instant transfer capability. Unlike other providers, we can offer you the ability to receive funds from your card transactions in just a minute, into a PayPal account, not bank account. From her, you can transfer into another bank account for your convenience. This instant access to your earnings improves your cash flow, allowing you to allocate funds immediately for expenses such as fuel or maintenance.

As a taxi driver, the Zettle card reader, in partnership with Payment Solution Providers, is the ideal payment solution for your business.

With its convenience, fast transaction processing, top-notch security, and our exclusive offer, including the ability to instantly transfer funds, the Zettle card reader empowers you to provide a seamless payment experience for your passengers while maximizing your earnings.

Don’t miss out on this exceptional opportunity. Contact us today to get your Zettle card reader and take your taxi business to new heights.

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Zoe Bordiuk

Is a Payment expert helping businesses to control their costs for card machines, till systems and online payments.
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