Payment solutions Provders

Card machines / online payments / epos

About Us
Learn more about the team at Payment Solution Providers.

Zoe – Director

With a 23-year history working across multiple sectors, including hospitality, sales and property, my commercial background gives me a firm understanding of the many responsibilities business owners have today. Multitasking is par for the course, particularly for business owners who have to manage budgets, oversee staff, plan marketing activity and take on a host of other daily tasks.

Sifting through reams of industry lingo on PCI compliance, rates, authorisation fees and payment options is an off-putting prospect when you simply want to get up and running with a solution.

A big part of what I do is to remove the jargon and explain exactly what you will be paying, and what you will be getting. Not only this, but I will work hard to negotiate not just the rates on debit cards for you, but also the overall blended rate, to give you an accurate picture of all the costs involved.

I liaise between you and the underwriters too, meaning you don’t have to be pulled away from the needs of your business.

Free independent advice, saving you time & money

Our Team



Zoe is meticulous in her approach and loves nothing more than solving problems for her clients, she brings a fountain of business experience and payment solutions knowledge. As well as getting the best deals for her clients, Zoe loves the great outdoors, Zumba and keeping busy with friends and the Bordiuk brood.


Chief of Logistics

John plays a supportive role in the business, helping with marketing and product research, he’s our unsung hero and the most patient man that ever walked the earth.


Admin Extraordinaire

Ashley is our Chief of Admin and Head of Being Super Organised and Lovely. She helps us stay on top of our game by liaising with clients and organising necessary paperwork and documentation.  A lover of walking and cooking, Ashley enjoys interior design and spending time with her family.

PCI compliance

PCI compliance in the payment card industry relates to both the security and standards that businesses must adhere to. Many are unfamiliar with what it is and for those who are, it’s often a real pain point.

Some of the companies I work with do not request PCI compliance or payment, while others do. When this is necessary, I will help you complete the all the compliance requirements, ensuring throughout the process that you do not incur any penalty fees, as I see all too often in this industry.


How we work with our clients

Acquiring an ineffective solution can end up costing a business both time and money. On top of this, with so many solutions available from different companies it’s difficult to know what is truly best for you.

Our independent advice means that you know you will be getting what is right for you. Removing this stress is my main goal when I work with clients. This means finding the right payment solution for you now, identifying payment methods you might not have thought of or come across and reviewing your needs as your business changes. It’s why I enjoy working with many of my clients on an on-going basis as their business develops.

If you are an established company already using a payment system or you’re new to taking card payments, I will help you explore all the best options open to you.